
My Eggo is Prego: 37 Weeks

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

This week started with a birthday party for a friend’s daughter. She turned 4 and had a princess themed party, so of course I offered to do the cake as a gift. They wanted a cupcake cake that looked like Rapunzel’s dress. I had so much fun with this cake! They needed 4 dozen, so I used 2 dozen for the cupcake cake and decorated the other 2 dozen to match the Rapunzel “theme” of the cake.




Of course I had to make things complicated and do the separate cupcakes in pink and purple. But I really got into it and allowed myself to get creative. When I asked Eowyn if the cake looked like Rapunzel’s dress, she said, “Um, a little bit.” The little perfectionist supervised the whole process, popping into the kitchen to make sure that I was using the right colors in the right spots. She’s going to make quite the artist one day…

The girls dressed up in their princess dresses for the party and had a lot of fun! It was a shocking 80 degrees that weekend; probably the last time we’ll get anywhere near those temperatures until next summer.



The rest of this week saw 3 cold, rainy days in a row, and then brisk Autumn weather. The first day that it stopped raining it was rather chilly out; around 40 degrees with the wind chill (and the wind was blowing pretty hard). But the girls and I were so stir crazy that we bundled up and still headed outside for some fresh, albeit cold, air. They didn’t seem to mind much.


Thursday I had an OB appointment, so Tyler’s parents took the girls for the day. I’m 2 centimeters dilated, and at the time of the appointment, the baby was head down-ish but not engaged. Henderson Adipose has since moved, preferring to lay almost diagonally across my stomach, with his/her head facing my hip. I’ve actually felt fingers digging around that far corner of my uterus. It’s not painful, but is really uncomfortable. I’ve asked Henderson to stop, but like my other children, he/she is not listening… I am certainly not holding my breath about being dilated to 2 cm; my Timehop from 2 weeks ago was me posting on Facebook that I was dilated to 2-3 cm with Arya and that my midwife had said it would be any day now. Too bad Arya decided to be late by 3 days. My children have their own agendas; I’ve come to terms with that. This one will be late just like the other 2 were. Or, it will come early just to spite me since I’m expecting it to be late this time around. I did lose my mucus plug, so maybe it will be early. But probably it will be late.

After the appointment Tyler and I took advantage of the empty house and did some baby prepping. He got the bassinet and swing set up while I searched for bibs and receiving blankets. I found what I think are all of the bibs, but if Henderson is a boy, even those will have to be replaced–90% of them are pink. I only found half of the receiving blankets, but I’m pretty sure I know which box the others are in. I thought we would never use all 30 receiving blankets when we got them for our first baby shower, but it there’s one thing I’ve learned as a parent, it’s that you can never have too many of those things laying around! Babies puke. A lot. Receiving blankets are invaluable. Although we still have yet to retrieve it, we at least know where the bin of newborn clothes is–it’s in the most inaccessible corner of our ceiling storage in the garage. The only way we’re going to be able to get it down is if someone climbs on top of the rafter. That’s Tyler’s project for this coming Thursday. I then will really only have one more problem to sort out, which I just barely thought of last night–where to put my rocking chair for night time feedings. Our bedroom is small and already full of furniture; there really isn’t any space for it in there. We have a guest room, which will eventually be turned into the baby’s room, but my family is going to be occupying it from October 16-November 1. I can’t very well put it in there and wake them up every 2 hours when I need to feed the baby. I could go all the way downstairs and sit in the recliner, but I don’t trust myself to be able to safely navigate the stairs and baby gate while holding a newborn and basically sleep walking. I could bring the baby in bed with us for the time being, but co-sleeping kind of freaks me out when they’re so ity-bity (although I had Ary in bed with me within hours of her being born because she nursed for 8 hours straight that first night). We’ll figure something out. But it’s stuff like this that we would have had worked out weeks ago when I was pregnant with the girls. You really do grow more lax with each kid.

I was expecting it to be a nightmare to have the baby swing out, because I was anticipating that Ary would try to climb in it every chance she got. But to my great surprise, she has been really good with it. All she really does is put her baby dolls in it. Or, her movies (which she’s not supposed to touch):


We threw her in the bassinet to mess with her, and she didn’t seem to like it much. Probably brought back memories of her crib days when she was a confined prisoner at bedtime, unable to escape at her own free will as she does now (oh how I miss the crib days!)


I can’t believe how big this kid is getting. She’s going to be 2 on Wednesday, and I want to cry every time I think about it. They grow up too fast.


Baby Stats:

-Henderson is about 6 1/3 pounds and around 19 inches long, about the length of a bunch of swiss chard

-Babies aren’t considered ‘full term’ until 39 weeks, because baby needs these next 2 weeks to fully mature the brain and lungs


My Eggo is Prego: 36 Weeks


36 Weeks

As you can see from this week’s picture, this week started off with the girls and I baking. Although the fungal infection is still growing out of my nails, the new nail is healthy, so I decided to give into my sugar cravings a bit. Beautiful fall weather just begs to be accompanied by the smell of homemade soup and baked goods. I’m still cutting back on sugar in my every day diet (like in my coffee, my oatmeal, and snacks), but I just can’t live a life that doesn’t involve baking. And I’m not talking about the healthy substitute-sugar-with-friggin-unsweetned-applesauce kind of baking. It makes me sad just thinking of it. Sorry if this makes me a horrible person, but I’m just going to come out and say it–a sugar free lifestyle is just not how I want to live my life. At least I’m honest. But I do want to continue to be more conscious of cutting sugar out of every day things that it doesn’t need to be in (Like in canned stewed tomatoes and canned kidney beans. Seriously had no idea they threw sugar in those things. And for what purpose?? Now I’m going to have to start stewing my own tomatoes… Because I totally have time for that…)

Anyways, the girls and I decided to try out this recipe for chocolate chip oatmeal pumpkin cookies that I found on Pinterest. So. Good. If you try it out for yourself, be warned–this recipe makes 5 dozen cookies! Mind you, they were on the smaller side, but that’s still a lot of cookies.


As you can also see from this week’s bump picture, we bought pumpkins. I know that it’s ridiculously early to be buying pumpkins, but they had them at the grocery store for $5 and the girls were so excited that I just couldn’t say no. I let them paint and glitterfy them, which was ungodly messy, but a lot of fun.




I think they’re a lovely addition to our front porch 🙂

We also made autumn tree pictures using real leaves and pine cones that we collected from our own yard. The girls had so much fun searching for leaves and making their trees.


It was also a welcome keep-the-kids busy craft because I was sick with a cold. Eowyn had it first, and then Ary and I came down with it once she was getting over it, and then it was Tyler’s turn once Ary and I were perking up. It’s so miserable when a sickness runs it’s course through the household and knocks us down one after the other. It got in my chest a bit and aggravated my asthma, sending me to the ER one morning to get a breathing treatment to help open everything up. I have a nebulizer (the machine used to give breathing treatments), but the medicine for it had expired back in 2010 because I don’t use it often at all. I’m totally fine; just needed more than my rescue inhaler. They sent me home with a fresh prescription for nebulizer medicine, so I’m set in case I need it again.

I started feeling better just in time to get a Rapunzel dress cupcake cake done for a birthday party that we went to on Sunday. I’ll share more about that next week since technically the party was on the start of my 37th week.

P. S. Did I mention that I am now officially 9 months pregnant? This one has seriously flown by! Tyler and I have decided to make this Thursday our “get our life together” day and finally clean the infant car seat and find the mystery bin of newborn clothes. Not that we’re worried that the baby is going to come tomorrow or something; our babies are notoriously late. More like we’re worried that we’ll procrastinate the next 3 weeks away and have to bring the baby home in hospital clothes and a car seat with old puffs stuck to the fabric and be forced to co-sleep because the bassinet is still sitting in the box in the basement.

At least the baby will be coming into the world at it’s finest hour. The fall colors are just breathtaking! I love that this is the way the world will be introduced to our little one:



Henderson is not in a head down position yet, so there’s still a lot of gymnastics going on. Here’s a YouTube video to creep you out.

I wish I could have recorded Tyler’s reaction while watching this video, because it was priceless. He was genuinely disturbed and I was laughing so hard that I almost peed myself! But if I have to live through it, then he’s got to watch it.

He is the absolute best though–he surprised me with Little Debbie Fall Party Cakes. Along with my coffee aversion, my craving for these cakes are the only consistent factors between all 3 pregnancies. I felt absolutely no guilt digging into those!

Baby Stats:

-Baby is almost 6 pounds and a bit over 18 1/2 inches long (about the length of a head of romaine lettuce)

-Henderson Adipose is gaining about an ounce a day at this point

-With all the fat accumulation, baby is shedding most of the downy hair that had covered him/her

Adventures with Cake Pops: Ballerina Edition

The first time I did cake pops was 2 years ago. I offered to make the cake for my second cousin’s 2nd birthday, and my cousin said that she really wanted cake pops. I didn’t even know what cake pops were, but I had enough time before the party to do research and practice and I thought I could manage it. I mean, how hard could dipping a ball of cake on a stick in chocolate be? Turns out it is very hard. Good thing I had time to practice before making the real ones for the party because I was WAY in over my head with those innocent looking monsters. My first mistake was trying to color the chocolate myself; it seized up on me. Then I found out that you have to use an oil based food dye to color chocolate or else it…seizes up. I had pops that were falling off of the sticks when I was dipping them, cups of pops falling over while the chocolate was still drying, chocolate dripping EVERYWHERE, and time tick-tick-ticking away. Originally, I was supposed to do 3 different kinds of cake pops: baseballs, basketballs, and footballs. My cousin called me the week of and said that one of her friends could make football brownies, so that took one off of my list. Then a few days later I ended up calling her asking if I could just do baseballs because I didn’t know that I needed a special dye to make the chocolate orange and I didn’t have time to go buy candy melts and try to fuss with those as well. She really wanted basketballs too, so we compromised on a basketball cake and baseball cake pops.

In the end, I pulled it off but only by the hair on my chin. I was piping up until 20 minutes before we had to leave. But the kids LOVED the cake and especially the cake pops, and my cousin was so grateful that it made it all worthwhile.



Despite all the stress these things caused me, I was happy with the result. But I was not overly anxious to try my hand at them any time soon either.

The next time I tried to make cake pops, it was to save the cake for my 25th birthday. The cake stuck to the pan and crumbled coming out into a huge mess of chocolate on the counter. With guests set to arrive within 2 hours, my initial reaction was to chuck it on the street and run it over with my car out of rage, but then one of my friends suggested turning them into cake pops. Or cake balls, as it turned out, since I didn’t have any sticks. All I had on hand was dark chocolate chips, and they didn’t really melt well so it went on thick. They were very rich, but still good. I refused to take a picture of them because they were hideous.

The next time after that, I was just trying to make use out of extra cake bits that I had shaved off while sculpting a large cake. I added too much frosting, and had to chuck them.

Our oldest daughter Eowyn started a new dance season today, and in celebration (and also to practice) I decided to give cake pops another try. I saw this pin on Pinterest and thought, “I can do that!” I saw a tip on Pinterest on how to get a perfect bottom for “upside down” cake pops: you put the pops on top of a candy melt after dipping them. Mine did not turn out as great as the one in the tutorial however…


Unfortunately I stubbornly tried this with the first half of the whole batch before giving up on it. It didn’t look quite as bad after it got dipped 2 more times. However, I didn’t prep the pops the way she recommends in the blog post by flattening the bottoms beforehand, because I have this bad habit of skimming and looking at pictures. Perhaps this time I will learn my lesson (but probably not).

The biggest issue that I had was the same one that haunts me with every chocolate project: getting the chocolate to melt and temper properly. I forgot to buy a candy thermometer again, so I had to wing it as far as trying to guess when it was ready. I have no idea what was wrong with it for the first half, but I obviously did something wrong because they looked janky:


The second half I got right though:


The real problem began when I tried to dip them a second time for the pink coat. The white chocolate from the pops were melting into the pink chocolate in the bowl, and the pink that got onto the pops crackled and looked like a turtle shell.


I thought that maybe I added too much vegetable oil to that batch of candy melts, and decided to scrap that bowl and start over again. The second time I didn’t add any oil, yet I was getting the same results. I was running out of time and only had one more bag of candy melts left, so I sent a picture of my monstrosities to a friend of mine who used to work in a chocolate shop for years asking what the heck I was doing wrong. She said that the chocolate was too hot, so I stirred it until it was cooler and tried again. But, it was still cracking. Then I learned from my friend that once you’ve overheated the chocolate, it’s trash; it will never go on smooth. So down the drain went another batch of candy melts. I only had one bag left, and Eowyn was going around saying, “Oh no, now my dance class will be ruined! You should have done it the way Angelica would have, Mom!” [Angelica being my friend]

Thanks for the vote of confidence, kid.

The pressure was on–I HAD to get it right this time. Angelica shared three tips with me that ended up saving the day:

  1.  Melt the candy melts in the microwave for 10-15 second intervals
  2.  Throw in a few white chocolate melts to help the pink stuff to melt smoothly (the candy melts turn out really thick)
  3.  Freeze the cake pops for 15-30 minutes before dipping them, to help the chocolate harden

I did everything she said, and found this YouTube video on how to make these ballerina cake pops (which I am still kicking myself for not finding earlier, so that I could have actually done it properly), and finally got the results I was hoping for! Mind you, they are not perfect, but I am still really proud of how they turned out.


I threw the melted candy in a piping bag to do the laces and bow, but only had enough of the pink stuff to do half of the batch. The rest got a second dip in white chocolate and some pink sprinkles and pearls. Then I wrapped them all individually with treat bags that I found at Hobby Lobby (a pack of 50 for $2) and a pink ribbon tied in a bow and called it a day.



All of the girls in Eowyn’s dance class loved their ballerina cake pops, and there were plenty left over, so I left the rest with the dance teacher for one of her other classes. In the car after her class, Eowyn said, “Thanks Mom for making my dance class so special! You’re the best!” Which of course, made it all worth it.

Things I learned on my adventure:

  1. DO RESEARCH FIRST! There are so many tutorials out there for different techniques that I don’t take advantage of. I see something on Pinterest and think, “I can do that!”, get overly excited and jump into it without trying to learn how to do it first. I would have saved myself so much time and energy if I had found that video before I was knee deep in burned pink chocolate.
  2. Buy a candy thermometer. Seriously could have saved myself $6 had I not burned the first two batches of candy melts.
  3. Add more frosting to the cake next time. It’s such a fine balance between too much and too little frosting with these things. But a handful of the sticks came out while I was dipping the pops, so I think the cake “mix” needed more frosting to bind it all together.
  4. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The only way that I will ever get better at cake pops is if I keep trying to make them. I can’t let myself get so frustrated that I never try again.


At the end of the day, I pulled it off. But I will keep working on perfecting the art of chocolate, because I want to be able to make beautiful things.

Cheers to future baking adventures!


My Eggo is Prego: 19 Weeks

19 Weeks

19 Weeks

*Sorry this post is a day late. Yesterday was the hubby’s birthday, so I was busy all day and didn’t get around to posting it.*

This week started out with a day date with the husband. Mimi (that’s what the girls call Tyler’s mom) offered to babysit so we could go see the new X-Men movie, Days of Future Past. Which is why I have a nice dress on for the picture : ) That movie was amazing! If you are a fantasy fan, it is a must see. The scene where Charles was talking to the older version of himself seriously had me in tears. It was our first date since we saw The Desolation of Smaug in theaters back in December. To say that we needed it would be an understatement! We love our girls, but it’s always so refreshing to have a few hours to ourselves to just be us again.

When we went to pick up our little angels, we got one of the worst reports ever! Baby Ary was in rare form that day. Apparently she took off running towards the street while they were playing outside, and when Mimi went running after her, Eowyn ignored her request to stay at the top of the driveway and chose to follow on her bike instead. Their driveway is on a slope and Eowyn is still learning to use her brakes, so as she gained some speed, she freaked out and crashed her bike into the grass. When the bike hit the lawn, the front tire popped off and sent Eowyn crashing into the ground. Thank God she landed in the grass, so she was shaken up, but fine otherwise. Mimi decided it would be best to play inside after that. She got them set up with toys and ran to use the restroom quickly. In the 2 minutes that they were alone, Ary got a small dish from the kitchen and smashed it on the floor, creating a landmine of porcelain. As Mimi cleaned up that mess, she heard the front door open. Ary had unlocked it and was attempting to escape.

Tyler and I listened in open-mouthed horror to all of this, and while we were busy talking about how horrible she had been, Ary went into the living room and broke something else! She then proceeded to set off the carbon monoxide detector and pillage the pantry. Don’t think we’ll be going on any more dates any time soon… And I definitely owe my mother-in-law a drink!


What babysitting Ary is like

What babysitting Ary is like

My mother-in-law found a recipe for these yummy cookie bars called, Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Billionaire Bars. They have a layer of sugar cookie, a layer of salted caramel, a layer of chocolate chip cookie dough, and are topped with a chocolate/peanut butter layer. She was sure that there was no way to do a dairy free version because it was loaded with dairy products. My answer: challenge accepted! I made my own salted caramel using margarine instead of butter, and the rest of the substitutions were quite easy actually. And are they good! I’m planning on doing a special post later on how I was able to make these dairy free, but click here if you want the dairy version of the recipe.

Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Billionaire Bars

Dairy Free Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Billionaire Bars

As you can see, my sweet tooth is back.

Eowyn was able to write her name entirely on her own the other day! I’ve practiced writing with her quite a few times over the last year, whenever she peeked an interest. She’s still so young that I’ve decided to hold off on an official preschool “curriculum”. Whenever I’ve tried to sit her down to do activities, she’s interested for 5 minutes and then is done. So instead of enforcing a really structured learning environment, I sneak learning into our everyday life. And then one day, she walks up to me proud as can be, and declares that she wrote her name all by herself. I am so very proud of her.

"Mom, I wrote my name all by myself!"

“Mom, I wrote my name all by myself!”

After her name, she tackled ‘Arya’ and ‘Mom’ as well : )



We’re still working on her D’s for ‘Dad’.

Henderson has been moving a lot! I never felt this much movement with either of the girls. This baby has got things to do! I was even able to see my stomach visibly move last night, which absolutely blew my mind because the baby is so small!

I had a checkup on Wednesday and the doctor says everything looks good : ) Heartbeat is strong as ever. We have the 20 week ultrasound next Wednesday, which we’re really excited for. We’re going to take the girls with us so they can share in that experience. Eowyn is so excited about the new baby; she keeps saying that she really, really wants a brother. I told her to take it up with God, because Mommy has no control over that!

Despite the billion-calorie cookie bars, my weight gain has stayed at a lovely 3 pounds. Neither my doctor or I are worried about that because we both know that the time of serious weight gain is quickly approaching. Until then, I’m perfectly content on allowing Henderson to eat my fat reserves.

Because of all of the movement, I’ve had to pee even more often. Which is great, considering Ary has such a knack for getting into trouble while I sneak away for 2 minutes to the bathroom. I’ve also noticed my feet swelling already. I have to be careful to take time to put my feet up throughout the day, otherwise I’m in a world of hurt. I finally found my old reliable maternity support belt though. Towards the end of the moving process, we started throwing things in trash bags because we were out of boxes, time, and sanity. My maternity belt was inside one of those trash bags in the garage. I’m so happy that I found it, as it has been helping to relieve the hip pain I’ve been getting every day. I’m careful not to use it too much though, because I don’t want my muscles to depend on it. But when it gets really bad, it’s so nice to be able to throw it on and get some relief. We really must finish unpacking one of these days.


Baby Stats:

-Henderson is about the size of a large heirloom tomato, measuring around 6 inches long (head to rump), and weighing in somewhere around 8 1/2 ounces

-The hair on the scalp is sprouting

-Baby’s brain is designating the areas for all of the senses this week (no wonder I’ve been so tired!)


I will leave you with an adorable picture of the girls that I took on Memorial Day, because it’s seriously the cutest thing in the world.



Are you not dying from the cute??


I wish you all a wonderful week!